Here are the true answers to the most FAQ about Microblading…

Hello Masterpiece! It has been a while and since time is of the essence for you and me, let’s cut to the chase 😉


Let me present you the truest and most pragmatic answers to the most notorious frequently asked questions about Microblading. Feel free to contact me if yours is not addressed in this blog. I will keep this content updated!


-              Is Microblading painful? No, not really. Everyone has different levels of pain tolerance. I have had client showing mild sensitivity, but I have had more clients that claim they do not feel any pain. Before the procedure, a numbing agent is applied on the brows for 15 minutes. Should you feel any discomfort, it will be minor and quick as it will happen only during the first Microblading pass. There is a second numbing step which happens right after the first pass. This works immediately! In a matter of seconds, the area is fully numbed, and the client won’t feel any discomfort during the remainder of treatment. If the client has sensitivity in the brows area, they should advise the artist so that the first numbing solution is left on the skin for 20 minutes instead of 15. How does anyone know if they have sensitive eyebrows? Well, if the eyes tear when the person gets their brows waxed, tweezed, or threated. Also, if they tend to sneeze during those services. Lastly, if the person is prone to suffering from sinus issues, like me. Achoo! Excuse me. Allergies. Let me add that Botox and Fillers are painful compared to eyebrows permanent makeup services.


-              What is the best aftercare cream for Microblading? The one the artist provides. A client should always receive an aftercare ointment after each procedure. If the healing agent is lost or misplaced, products like Aquaphor or Vaseline (new one) will do the work.  Rinsing the eyebrows with warm clean water or antibacterial soap then applying a thin layer of the aftercare cream, two to three times a day during the first week after procedure is all the client needs to do. Now, PLEASE, keep in mind that “Aftercare” and “What to avoid” after Microblading are two totally different things! Thank you.


-              When will the treatment be fully healed and will show results? One month after the procedure. Keep in mind, Microblading is a treatment that is performed on the skin. Skin must fully heal to see the absolute result. Any changes the eyebrows go through during the healing time are normal and the client should not stress about them. Just allow the skin to follow its natural cell renewal cycle.


-              When can makeup be applied on eyebrows? Should the client have to wear makeup for any reason, it is paramount to wait until the skin is fully healed. Therefore, a month.


-              What type of makeup can be applied on Microbladed eyebrows? This is a personal favorite question! Clients can apply any powder brow makeup or matt eyeshadow. The color is of personal choice. Clients must refrain from using brow pencils or gel. These tend to be more abrasive when applying onto the skin and when removing them. Which in turn, also stimulates the brows hair follicles and accelerate the hair shedding cycle. My personal recommendation is, when applying makeup to color eyebrows, stick to powder form regardless of having had permanent makeup procedures or not.


-              What to do to help maintain the pigment as intact as possible? Pigment is inserted into the top area of the Dermis. Therefore, fading is normal with time. Yearly, or every two-years touchups will be needed depending on each person’s own chemical composition and/or maintenance. What is recommended for the pigment to not fade too soon is to avoid constant direct exposure to the sun. Sun is good and needed but it must be enjoyed with caution. Sunscreen is mandatory if the client must be outdoors. Avoid Retinol based products on the eyebrows. A healthy lifestyle, free of cigarettes, alcohol and recreational drugs will help maintain a healthy skin and the pigment will last longer.


-              If a person has had their eyebrows Microbladed, can they switch to try another technique in the future? The answer is yes! However, it is important to keep in mind that when the client switches to another technique, they are basically starting from scratch; therefore, extra touchups must be needed to perfect pigment color and results.



Reminder: Microblading or any similar procedure is a very delicate work of art performed on the face. Not a work that can be covered easily as a body tattoo for instance. It is important to conduct thorough research when choosing the right artist. Any qualified artist has received the proper training and certification from a reputable institution (like the Phiacademy) and from a Certified Master Educator. Also, an experienced artist will publicly showcase their work, including healed results, on social media without hesitation.


Good luck, Masterpiece!


Will write you later,


Carla Goycochea

Phiacademy Master


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